Embedded Systems & Internet of Things
- There’s no greater satisfaction for me than to see a final fabricated embedded PCB board designed inhouse, after multiple prototyping iterations.
- The green solder mask with your custom silkscreen hides layers of efforts & hardwork undertaken to achieve the final result
- The globalisation of technology & the open source adoption at the software & hardware level has truly revolutionaized the way we learn & teach electronics!
- ARM Cortex-M 32 bit microcontrollers
- Microchip SAMD
- SAMD21G18
- ST Microelectronics STM32
- STM32L476RG
- STM32F401RE
- STM32F103C8T6 (Bluepill)
- Nordic Semiconductors nRF52840 (pipelined)
- Microchip SAMD
- Espressif Systems
- ESP8266 WiFi+MCU Soc
- ESP32 Dual core WiFi+BLE+MCU Soc
- Microchip (Atmel) AVR architecture
- ATMega328P (Arduino Uno)
- ATTiny85
RF & Low Power WAN for IoT
- Microchip WLR089U0 (SAMR34 based)
- STM32WL (pipelined)
- HopeRF
- Dorji
- Murata
- RAK811/RAK4260
- BLE using nRF SoC (pipelined)
- NB-IoT using Quectel SoC (pipelined)
- Wi-Fi using ESP32 SoC
- GSM/GPRS/3G using SIMCOM modules
- GPS using uBlox modules
Prototyping Platforms
- ST Nucleo & Discovery Boards
- Microchip SAMD21 Dev boards
- Arduino Uno, Mega & Pro Mini
- ESP8266 & ESP32 Devkits
- Microchip Xplained Pro boards (LoRaWAN)
- Raspberry Pi Zero & 3+, and many many more!
PCB Schematic & Designing
- KiCad, only KiCad :)
Flow Programming & Dashboard for IoT
- NodeRED
- Signal Capture
- Signal Manipulation
- Signal Transmission
- Dashboard
- RaspberryPi integration
- Grafana for UI Dashboard
- InfluxDB for Time Series Databases
Numerical computational software
- Matlab
- For Image Processing
- Scilab
- For Signal Processing
- NI LabView (Basics)
- Interfacing with Arduino
Basic Full Stack Web Development
- I am a pure Electronics person, but smitted by Web development & its intricacies
- Here’s my small list of tools & languges that I often use & which i would be learning in the near future.
- My goal is to be self sufficient to make small web apps for my IoT projects
Front End
- CSS - Bootstrap 4.0 - SaaS
- Javascript
- Front end JS Frameworks
- Vue.js (pipelined)
- LAMP Stack (PHP)
- Python
- Django (pipelined)
- MariaDB (Preferred!)
- MongoDB
- InfluxDB (Time Series database)
- AWS DynamoDB
Big Data Analytics
Beginner level skills in Big Data Analytics using
- Apache Hadoop & HDFS
- Apache Hive
- Hortonworks Data Platform
Cloud Computing
- For me, Cloud computing is nothing but magical
- The entire concept of renting a powerful virtual instance at a fraction of the cost, combined with the freedom & flexibility which it offers, is truly phenomenal.
- Amazon Web Services (EC2, RDS, IoT)
- AWS Educate Institute admin for DBIT, Mumbai
- DigitalOcean (Started my Cloud journey on DO. The most intuitive UI ever)
- Google Cloud Platform (Compute Engine, Cloud SQL & Dataproc)
3D Printing
- FreeCAD (Preferred!)
- TinkerCAD (for easy prototyping)
Slicing software
- PrusaSlicer
- Ultimaker Cura
3D Printer in use
- Creality Ender 3 V2
Version Control
- Git SCM
- GitHub
- Bitbucket
- Using GitHub Classroom with students
Preferred Tools & Platforms
Linux distros
- Linux Mint (Debian) (Preferred!)
- Ubuntu (Debian)
- PlatformIO (Preferred! for AVR/ESP/STM32)
- Microchip Studio (AVR & SAMD)
- STM32CubeIDE (STM32)
- Arduino IDE (for AVR/SAMD/STM32 controllers)
- uVision (for ARM controllers)
- Spyder (Python programming)
Code Editors
- Visual Studio Code (Recommended for heavy coding)
- Notepad++ (Recommended for Windows)